To empower a secure and healthy life for all in a sustainable environment, and a just society through collective action

About Our Vision

Indians for Collective Action (ICA) is a San Francisco Bay Area nonprofit group. Since our inception in 1968, we have nurtured social activists, spawned many initiatives including Asha for Education and Foundation for Excellence, and supported innovative community-led development projects in over 20 states of India and distributed over $8.0 million (mostly in the last decade). We partner with dedicated social workers and activists in India and the U.S.

ICA aligns our projects to the UN SDGs goals


End poverty in all its forms everywhere


Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages


Ensure inclusive & equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Gender Equality

Recognize as a fundamental human right focused on inclusiveness, empowerment and reducing disparities in women’s autonomy


Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

Project OverviewICA's Projects

10 % of our supported organization work actively to alleviate the poverty in India by various programs like vocational training, removing barriers affecting employment like disabilities etc.
10 % of our supported organizations are actively working to meet UN Sustainable Development Goal targets.
30 % of our supported organizations work to meet UN SDG goal of Quality Education for man, women, boys and girls of every race and abilities.
10% of ICA supported organization are working to meet UN’s SDG number 5 goal of Gender Equality recognized as a fundamental human right focused on inclusiveness, empowerment and reducing disparities in women’s autonomy and betterment of their lives and understanding that empowering women is essential to sustainable development.
20 % of our supported organizations work to meet UN SDG goal of Water and Sanitation for man, women, boys and girls of every race and abilities. It goes hand in hand with education, health and gender equality.

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